Friday, March 13, 2009

whose fault? what to do?

in russia these questions are sacramental and asked over since XIX century. all the time that life in russia was quite a turmoil.

how many of us do ask these questions regularly?

it seems natural to seek revenge on someone who brought 'misfortune' on our head. that's what we are taught. that's how the judicial and penal systems work. yet, does it bring peace upon any of the participants? there's an old saying that if 'eye for eye' rule was followed, we'd all be blind by now.

seeking for one to place blame is chasing an illusion for right now it changes nothing. what can change things is taking responsibility, not placing blame, then taking action.

what action? most of us have idea of a 'good thing' and take an action that way. as discussed in the previous post, 'good thing' is no more than a habit passed down to us by someone. 'good thing' and especially number of 'good things' in line rarely bring result. yet, that's what most of us do. and world governments pretend to be doing. :)

so, the way to change matters is to study them thoroughly and only then act. there is one trick on the way though - the tool with which we study and act - our mind. unless we can fully understand it and take responsibility over it, we hardly can talk of any predictable study or action. there's where the 'good things' come and the turmoil for russia.

therefore, don't rush. take a breath. smile!

good luck.


Barry said...

A friend recently pointed out that in the Book of Genesis (the Bible), when God confronts Adam and Eve about eating the apple, Adam first blames Eve. Eve then blames the snake.

Right from the start, we humans have not wanted to take responsibility for our lives.

mickael said...

:) it's an old story indeed.

good luck.