Thursday, March 19, 2009


it is a common view that practice is meditation & chanting. true, yet it's only a tiny part of what practice is. my practice now is to find the words. your practice now is reading this. practice is now. the thought you have right now. why you have it? what that thought brings? what habit it aids?

watching own thoughts is tricky. present habits will oppose this greatly. mind will find thousands of excuses to not do it. mind will invent thousands of tricks to hide thoughts, hide their reasons, hide their outcomes.

for 3 years i walked and stumbled on that goal. now i know that it is possible and that anyone can do it, given adequate effort.

right now, what am i thinking? orange button 'publish post'. perhaps someone will benefit from it..

good luck.


Barry said...

Thank you for teaching this, Mickael!

Unknown said...

Are we the result of our practice or is our practice the result of us?
I believe we are both, boat and river, cause and effect.
Practice is perfect!

PS: Why are you not using proper punctuation on your posts?

mickael said...

hi Barry,

i'm a joke of a teacher compared to wind. thank you for encouragement. :)


are we existent? ;)

caps you mean? it started about 10 years ago. i can't remember the reason.

good luck.