Sunday, March 29, 2009

answers & questions

i'm not giving any answers here. no need. every human has all the answers since beginningless times.

why not everyone is a buddha then? everyone is. yet, not everyone knows. and despite that, every human uses the path to some extent. without thinking about it. like breathing.

so, i'm giving no answers. i'm not giving something everyone already has. i'm giving questions. a tool to discover the answers.

it's a common knowledge that chan/zen people speak in riddles. actually, it's quite the opposite: it's as plain as words permit. words permit giving questions. some answers can not be spoken. these questions are not riddles without answer, nor there's anything sacral to them. they are working tools and nothing more. use them to own benefit.

good luck.


Barry said...

More questions, please!

mickael said...

sure. yet i can't tell something everyone does not know already. :)

good luck.

Unknown said...

Even more questions!

mickael said...

aye! be sure to kill me along with buddha though. ;)

good luck.