Wednesday, March 11, 2009

right and wrong

it is only natural that people judge some things as 'right' and some as 'wrong'. yet, what is the nature of this division?

being regular on this kind of discussions, i can tell that absolute most of people judge some 'rights' and some 'wrongs' as absolute. should mention that almost every group i've seen insists on their own set of 'absolutes'.

where do they come from? as every habit, they come from being repeated many times to one who declares them. we all are this way. does this fact alone makes something better than other? even if 'right' things evidently bring harm? even if 'wrong' things bring peace without harming anyone?

it is a choice: to see the opposites or see the essence. most people see opposites. are they happy?

good luck.


Barry said...

Opposites-thinking, by its very nature, splits the mind into two parts. OUCH!

mickael said...


indeed so. nevertheless, absolute most of the people i know do exactly that.

good luck.